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Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Sun Protection: What You Should Know

We all need a little sun! It makes us feel good, and is our primary source of the essential Vitamin D, which helps our bones absorb calcium. But too much sun can be harmful.

How much is too much?

UVA and UVB rays in excess cause melanoma, a form of cancer. A tan is a sign that your body is trying to defend itself from the harmful rays using melanin, a pigment that absorbs the rays before they can cause damage. But a tan does not offer further protection from the sun.

Limiting the amount of time you spend in the sun is also essential. Avoid long periods in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the suns rays are at their strongest. After 20 minutes in the sun, go inside or in the shade and take a 15 minute break, and be sure to stay hydrated.

The Truth About Sunscreens

The best suncreen is a shirt and a hat!
The U.S. Environmental Working Group (EWG) tested sunscreens and found that most are filled with chemicals hazardous to your health and dangerous to the environment, and many do a poor job of protecting your skin from damaging UV rays. Choose safer brands listed in The Environmental Working Group's 2011 Sunscreen Report here 

Read the ingredients list on the back of the bottle before you buy a sunscreen!

 Go here for 9 surprising truths about sunscreen and find out why its worth your while to become familiar with the ingredients of the sunscreen you may already have bought!

More info also here: Queen of Green Blog

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